Launchpad Accounts

Course 03

Course Lessons

  How to Create and Manage Household Accounts
Available in days
days after you enroll
  How to Create and Manage Organizational Accounts
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best practice for naming accounts?
When naming accounts, we recommend that you use a naming convention that will allow you to distinguish unique accounts with the same last name. For example, if you have multiple households with the name Johnson, you may elect to name as follows: Johnson_123 Any Street (enter their street number) If you have two individuals residing at the same address but planning to purchase separately, you can name as follows: Jack and Jane Johnson JohnsonJac_123 Any Street JohnsonJan_123 Any Street.
If two individuals plan to purchase together, but then decide not to, and one of them comes back to purchase separately, ow should they be entered?
When two clients who initially planned to purchase together decide not to but to purchase separately, a second household should be created for the non-head of household individual and the contact should be moved to the new household. You will then be able to open a new case for that individual and they can be counseled separately.
What is an Organization Account?
An Organization Account is an account created to capture information about non-client individuals or organizations i.e. organization partners, funders, presenters, etc.
What fields must be completed when creating a Household Account?
'Dependent Count' and 'Household Income' must contain a value of at lease zero [0]. These fields cannot be blank. If you enter the 'Billing County' manually, you must enter the word 'County' using a capital 'C'. However, it is a best practice to use the 'AMI Lookup' tool included on the screen to populate the County.